Are all bugs bad?


I’m thinking about the inevitability of bugs. Specifically, the ones that populate us humans. And about how people seem determined to paint all bugs with one brush – the “bad bug” brush.

I got thinking about this again after reading one of a number of articles about the possibility of a man in Massachusetts having been infected with brucellosis from drinking raw milk from a local farm. Brucellosis is a disease that has not been seen pretty much anywhere for decades, so it was exceedingly odd to have a possible case show up out of nowhere. But there were several stories about it, along with the usual reminders of “you see what can happen if you drink unpasteurized milk!” (This morning the news quietly came out that it wasn’t brucellosis after all, and that the milk was clean. I say “quietly” because there was only one brief article about it in Food Poison Journal – no mention from all the other sources.)

What I thought particularly revealing about the original article, and why it inspired this post, was its title: “I’ll Take Some Bacteria With my Raw Milk.” Continue reading

Cooking the talk (mid-December edition)

I want you to know that I do cook the talk! So here's what was for dinner last night at our house (most ingredients from the farmer's market):

  • Bone-in New York steak (Dey Dey's Best Beef Ever)
  • Weiser Family Farms German Butterball potatoes, quartered, steamed, and finished in a mixture of lard and Pure Indian Foods ghee
  • Homemade red sauerkraut
  • Fennel (Givens Farms), braised in homemade turkey stock with some Springhill butter

Tonight? I'm marinating a small boneless beef chuck roast from Healthy Family Farms (red wine, crumbled bay leaf, freshly ground black pepper, and a splash of red wine vinegar, all organic). I'll be cooking some butternut squash to serve alongside (have not decided how yet, other than that it will include onions), some broccoli, and the last of the sauerkraut (green – time to make more!). I have some apples from last week's market that I need to use up, so looks like I'll be baking them for dessert. Continue reading